Too often, I have encountered someone who establishes goals to better their health and appearance but quit before any change takes place. As a Personal Trainer, this frustrates me in a number of ways. Change does NOT happen fast, and it won’t come easy. You will have to put your time in and it will take longer than you want. I get sick of hearing people place the blame game on genetics, injuries, had a tough day at the office, felt tired, etc. Ask anybody that you deem as “fit” and they will tell you that they have been where you are. They have had their injuries, their points where they have seen no measurable progress, and times when they wanted the cake instead of the chicken.

What’s the difference? The difference is, in that moment when the world stroke its blow at them, they found another path forward. They didn’t let it push them back to the point of retreat. They found a way to dig deep and push forward. They knew they had a goal and had their mindset on finishing what they set out to achieve. They may not have reached it in a week, month, or year but they did finish it.

So, my point is, don’t get frustrated, mad, or quit just because you aren’t where you want to be. Go put yourself around positive people, find someone or something to help hold you accountable, and educate yourself on alternate routes to take when your path seems blocked.

You have to FINISH what YOU started and don’t place the blame on anyone or anything else!

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