Daily Workouts

Daily Workouts

24/7 Access

24/7 Access

24/7 Access

Monday 03/17/25- Workout

BB Push Press- 6X3@80% or 4X10@RPE7.
*16 min cap.
Complete 4 sets on each. Rest 90 sec after set.
3X- LB Back Squat (80% or 135/105)
15X- Stationary Lunge (35/25’s) RL=1
10X- DB Incline Bench Press (70/40’s)
15X- Push-up
15X- Plank Shoulder Tap RL=1

Saturday 03/15/25- Workout

Complete: 20-18-16-14-12-10.
V Sit-up
Sprinter Lunge RL=1
Lying Leg Raise
BB Lateral Jump-over RL=1
Core Twist RL=1
*Try to keep steady pace. Rest only if needed.

Friday 03/14/25- Workout

Complete: 8-10-12-10-8 on each. Rest 60-90 sec after set.
Bench Press (185/115)
Skull Crusher (55/35)
DB Side Arm Raise (25/15’s)
Reverse Grip DB Bicep Curl (25/15’s)
Plate Reverse Fly (15/10’s)
C3: EMOM for 5 min:
5X- DB Thruster (35/25’s)
50X- Jump Rope

Thursday 03/13/25- Workout

LB Back Squat- 4X4@75% or 4X8@RPE7.
*16 min cap.
Complete 3 Rounds. 10 Reps on each.
Step-up (35/25’s) RL=1
Wall Sit (1 Min)
Starfish Sit-up RL=1
BB Stiff Leg Deadlift (135/105)
Hollow Hold (30 sec)


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