Inclined Bench Press- 5X5 build to RPE10
*16 min cap.
Partner WOD. Complete for time:
C1: 21-15-9.
BB Thruster (95/75)
C2: 21-15-9.
Wall Ball (20/14)
Push-ups (floor to lockout)
C3: 100 Combined Burpees
*One works, one rests.
Inclined Bench Press- 5X5 build to RPE10
*16 min cap.
Partner WOD. Complete for time:
C1: 21-15-9.
BB Thruster (95/75)
C2: 21-15-9.
Wall Ball (20/14)
Push-ups (floor to lockout)
C3: 100 Combined Burpees
*One works, one rests.